NMKO Continuous Sparring (Muay Thai Style Stand Up only) Rules
A Leg and Full Body Light Contact (No Head) Fighting in a Continuous Manner. Under no circumstances should light contact continuous fighting simulates full contact kickboxing. Utilizing well-controlled techniques, ring craftsmanship and combination skills, competitors should attempt to “outscore” rather than “overpower” their opponent.
Competitors will fight continuously until the referee’s command to “STOP/BREAK”. Techniques should not “strike through” or “push through” the target. Striking with excessive contact, or uncontrolled striking of any kind will lead to disqualification. Emphasis must be placed on both punching and kicking techniques. Punching or “boxing” only to body or leg (Above the knee), for an extended period of time without throwing kicks will downgrade the judge’s evaluation of your performance.
Each match is carried out with running time. The referee and judges will evaluate the relative effectiveness of each fighter based on the number, quality and variety of scoring strikes, defense and conditioning. Rules violations (whether penalized by the referee or not) will downgrade the judges evaluation of the offending fighter. The three officials will determine the winner of each match by majority decision.
Equipment Needed:
• Adult divisions: mouth-guard, Head Gear, 10oz gloves or larger, groin protection, shin/instep guards.
• Teen & Junior divisions: mouth-guard, Head Gear, 8oz gloves or larger for 9 years and under, and 10oz gloves or larger for 10 years and older, groin protection, shin/instep guards.
• Shorts or pants and school tshirt/rash guard or Martial Arts Uniform must be worn.
• To soften the blow of strikes to female chess, only females "may" wear Chess Guard/Protector.
Weigh-in: Weigh-in is not required at Qualifiers. To insure fairness, a request can be ask during check-in. Only at State you will need to make weight. All competitors must weigh at scheduled time. If a competitor missed the weigh-in time, weigh-in will take place at the time when the competitor is called to compete. If you do not make weight, you will lose your seeding, and moved up to the appropriate division as an unseeded “wild card” player.
Time and Rounds
• Two (2) - One (1) minute rounds with a 30 second break. If both Fighter wins each round, a 3rd round of 30 second is needed. Head judge will add a judge for the 3rd round to insure no ties.
Weight Divisions and Weigh-in Procedures
• See ‘Divisions’ listing on website and in event program.
Coaching: Coaching is allowed on both side of the ring. Coaches are not allowed to badger or yell at judges. The competitor’s coach can also make the decision to forfeit a fight by calling time, and informing the head judge to forfeit the fight.
Legal Target Areas
The following parts of the body may be attacked using the authorized fighting techniques:
Torso – front and side
Legs – Inside and outside (above knee)
Feet – only for sweeping (foot to foot)
Legal Techniques – Scoring Both hand and foot strikes should be used. In evaluating each fighter’s performance the judges will give more credit to the athlete that is effective with a balanced attack of kicks and punches thrown in combination. Punching or “boxing” only for an extended period of time without throwing kicks may be cause for penalization or may downgrade the judge’s evaluation of a fighter’s performance.
The authorized striking area of the hand or foot may only make “Clean/ Controlled” Light contact. The fighter must be looking at the point of contact when executing the technique. All techniques must be well executed. Weak techniques or techniques that simply touch or brush or push an opponent will not be scored. Excessive contact, mauling, pushing or rough-housing will be grounds for penalization, downgrading in the judges evaluation and/or disqualification.
If a fighter jumps in the air to attack, he must land inside the ring to score, and he must keep his balance (it is not allowed to touch the floor with any part of the body except the feet).
The following hand techniques may be applied:
• Combination of no more than 4 consecutive punches
• All kind of fighting punches.
• Combination of no more than 4 consecutive kicks.
• Front kick (no leg)
• Sidekick (no leg)
• Roundhouse kick
• Heel kick (sole of the foot only)
• Crescent kick
• Axe kick (sole of the foot only)
• Jump kicks
• Foot sweeps (foot to foot – ankle/foot level only)
Illegal Target Areas, Prohibited Techniques and Prohibited Behavior
Any technique not listed as legal above, or striking any target not listed as legal above, including, but not limited to the following:
• Head / Face of any kind or above the neck area.
• Attack the throat, lower abdomen, kidneys, back, joints, and groin.
• Attack with the knee, elbow, knife-hand, head-butts, thumb and shoulder or a spinning hand strike.
• Turn one’s the back to the opponent, run away, fall down, intentional clinching, blind techniques, wrestling and ducking below opponent’s waist.
• Attack an opponent who is falling to the floor or is already on the floor, that is, as soon as one hand or knees touches the floor.
• Leave the ring without any permission.
• Continue after the command “stop” or “break” or the end of the round has been sounded.
• Oil the face or body.
• Hooking, tripping, and hitting with knees or elbows.
• Butting with the head, shoulders, forearms and elbows, strangling the opponent, crushing his face with arm or elbow and pushing back the opponent.
• Hitting with open gloves, with the inside of the gloves or with a wrist.
• Hitting the opponent’s back, particularly on the nape of his neck, head and kidneys.
• Lying down, wrestling or not fighting at all.
• Attacking an opponent who is on the floor on getting up.
• Clinching without any reason.
• Hitting while hooking the opponent, or pulling the opponent into the blow.
• Hooking or holding opponent’s arm or putting an arm underneath the arm of the opponent.
• Suddenly lowering one’s head below opponent’s belt in a way that would be dangerous for the latter.
• Using artificial means for a passive defense and falling down intentionally, in order to avoid a blow.
• “Spoiling”. Intentionally preventing your opponent from engaging you by moving around the ring or clinching your opponent in order to cut down on round time.
• Using insulting and aggressive language during a round.
• Refusing to withdraw after the order “BREAK”.
• Trying to land a blow on the opponent immediately after a “BREAK” order and before withdrawing.
• Assailing or insulting the referee at any time.
• Exiting the ring during the fighting competition
• 1st violation or exit – Verbal caution
• 2nd violation or exit – Official warning
• 3rd violation or exit - Disqualification
Violations of the rules and regulations will lead to cautions, warnings, and/or disqualification. Referees may warn penalize a competitor at their discretion depending upon the severity or repetitive nature of the rules violation.
The Center Referee is the arbiter of the rules. If he perceives that a violation has occurred he has the discretion to issue one of the following:
A Caution
A "Caution" may be issued without stopping the action of the fight.
An Official Warning
An "Official Warning" is issued by stopping action of the fight. The "Official Warning" indicates that if the referee has to stop the match again for the same or a similar infraction the offending athlete will be disqualified.
A Disqualification
A "Disqualification" awards the match to the offending fighter's opponent. The referee has the discretion to use Cautions, Warnings and Disqualification according to the severity of the offense. A fighter does not have to be Cautioned in order to receive an Official Warning. Nor does he have to receive an Official Warning prior to being Disqualified.
The following may lead to immediate disqualification:
• Excessive contact resulting in an injury
• Repeatedly striking with excessive contact
• Uncontrolled or malicious attacks
• Excessive or continuous hitting after "stop" command
• Extreme unsportsmanlike conduct of a fighter such as insulting the referee or the opponent
The match should be interrupted if an injury occurs. In the event of injury, time may only be interrupted until the doctor decides on the seriousness of the injury, that is, whether or not the fight can continue or whether it must be stopped. Treatment of the injury can only be done in between rounds or after the match. If the injury needs to be treated, the match must be stopped. In any case, cuts cannot be taped. If the match is stopped due to injury, the officials must decide:
• Who caused the injury?
• Whether or not it was intentional.
• Whether or not it was self-inflicted.
If the injury was not intentional and the injured fighter cannot continue fighting immediately, the uninjured fighter is declared the winner.
If the injury is due to a violation of the rules, the responsible fighter may be disqualified.
If the injury is due to his own fault, the uninjured fighter is declared the winner.
Referees Powers and Responsibilities:
The referee has the power to:
• Stop a fight at any moment if he finds it to be too one-sided.
• Stop a fight at any moment if one of the fighters has received an unauthorized blow or is wounded, or if he considers a fighter unable to continue.
• Stop a fight at any moment if he finds the fighters behaving in an “unsportsman-like” manner. In such a case, he must disqualify one fighter.
• Warn a fighter or stop the bout and give a minus point or warning to a fighter for an offence.
• Disqualify a coach or a second who has broken the regulations or the fighter himself if his coach or the second fails to obey to his orders.
• Disqualify, with or without a warning, a fighter who has committed an offence.
• Interpret the rules as long as they are applicable or compatible with the fight that is taking place, or, at a special moment, decide on a move which does not appear in the rules.
• If a fighter breaks the rules but does not necessarily deserve a disqualification, the referee must stop the fight and give a warning to the fighter of a foul. Before the warning, the referee must order the fighter to stop fighting. The warning must be given clearly, so that the fighter understands the reason and cause of the penalty. The referee must hand signal to each judge that a particular warning has been given and clearly show which fighter has been punished. After having given the warning, the referee orders the fighters to fight again. If a fighter has given three official warnings within the same bout, he is disqualified.
• A referee may give a caution to a fighter. A caution means a warning given by a referee to a fighter for breaking the rule. In order to do this he doesn’t need to stop the fight, and may reprimand the fighter during the fight.
Judges Scoring System
Every round is separately evaluated by each of the judges according to a positive criteria that will gain a fighter points and negative
Criteria that will earn points:
Positive Judges Criteria (That Will Earn a Fighter Credit towards Victory)
• clean and controlled scoring punches and kicks
• the demonstration of effective combination striking
• the effectiveness of the fighters defense
• the variety of strikes used (hands and feet)
• excellent physical condition
Negative Judges Criteria (That Will Reduce a Fighters Credit towards Victory)
• Rules Violations whether cautioned or warned by the referee or not
• Cautions and/or Warning by the referee for rules violations
• “bulling”, or any effort to overpower an opponent rather than demonstrate superior skill
• lack of combination striking
• lack of variety in strikes (hands and feet)
• poor physical condition
Courtesy Rule:
Salute to the judges first and then competitors salute to each other before the bout begins. After the bout finishes, salute to the judges again and then competitors salute to each other.
Weight Classes Weight Classes Kids:
10lbs pounds max weight difference between 2 or more competitors
If less than 2 competitors in a weight class, the judge & competitor reserves the right to combine weight classes. (If Needed)
Weight Divisions and Age Bracketing:
All competitors will be matched according to their weight. We do our best to match competitors by weight and rank. with no more than 2 years of age. A duplicated bracket will be created if we have a minimum of at least two (2) competitor in the same age bracket. The division will be split/separated with placing and points awarded to both. If we cannot create a new bracket to accommodate the competitor, he/she will have no choice but to fight in that weight division. (See division codes below)
PLEASE NOTE – Due to point tabulations and rankings for the State Finals, all divisions are set, and a competitor cannot be moved to another division. If there is no one in your division, you will win by default, and an exhibition match will be offered.
Muay Thai Kick Boxing
Continuous Sparring
Division Code
Skill Levels:
Kids Ages 9 under (male & female)
Juniors Ages 10 - 13 (male & female)
Juniors Ages 14 - 17 (male & female)
Adults & Seniors (male & female
Weight Classes for "KIDS" (Male).
"9 and under Male"
CS-01 Cont Sparr Super Fly 9 under M 55 Minus
CS-02 Cont Spar Fly 9 under M 56 to 65
CS-03 Cont Spar Bantam 9 under M 66 to 75
CS-04 Cont Spar Feather 9 under M 76 to 85
CS-05 Cont Spar Light 9 under M 86 to 95
CS-06 Cont Spar Welter 9 under M 96 Plus
Weight Classes for "KIDS" (Female).
"9 and under Female"
CS-23 Cont Spar Super Fly 9 under F 55 Minus
CS-24 Cont Spar Fly 9 under F 56 to 65
CS-25 Cont Spar Bantam 9 under F 66 to 75
CS-26 Cont Spar Feather 9 under F 76 to 85
CS-27 Cont Spar Light 9 under F 86 to 95
CS-28 Cont Spar Welter 9 under F 96 Plus
Weight Classes for "JUNIOR" (Male)
"10-13 year old Male"
CS-07 Cont Spar Bantam 12 to 13 M 85 minus
CS-08 Cont Spar Feather 12 to 13 M 86 to 95
CS-09 Cont Spar Light 12 to 13 M 96 to 105
CS-10 Cont Spar Welter 12 to 13 M 106 to 115
CS-11 Cont Spar Lt Mid 12 to 13 M 116 to 125
CS-12 Cont Spar Middle 12 to 13 M 126 to 135
CS-13 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 12 to 13 M 136 to 145
CS-14 Cont Spar Heavy 12 to 13 M 146 plu
Weight Classes for "JUNIOR" (Female)
"10-13 years old Female"
CS-29 Cont Spar Fly 12 to 13 F 75 minus
CS-30 Cont Spar Bantam 12 to 13 F 76 to 85
CS-31 Cont Spar Feather 12 to 13 F 86 to 95
CS-32 Cont Spar Light 12 to 13 F 96 to 105
CS-33 Cont Spar Welter 12 to 13 F 106 to 115
CS-34 Cont Spar Lt Mid 12 to 13 F 116 to 125
CS-35 Cont Spar Middle 12 to 13 F 126 to 135
CS-36 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 12 to 13 F 136 Plus
Weight Classes for "TEENS" (Male)
"14 -17 years old"
CS-15 Cont Spar Light 14 to 17 M 125 minus
CS-16 Cont Spar Welter 14 to 17 M 126 to 135
CS-17 Cont Spar Lt Mid 14 to 17 M 136 to 145
CS-18 Cont Spar Middle 14 to 17 M 146 to 155
CS-19 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 14 to 17 M 156 to 165
CS-20 Cont Spar Heavy 14 to 17 M 166 to 175
CS-21 Cont Spar Crusier 14 to 17 M 176 to 185
CS-22 Cont Spar Sur Hvy 14 to 17 M 186 Plu
Weight Classes for "TEENS" (Female)
"14-17 years old"
CS-37 Cont Spar Light 14 to 17 F 105 minus
CS-38 Cont Spar Welter 14 to 17 F 106 to 115
CS-39 Cont Spar Lt Mid 14 to 17 F 116 t0 125
CS-40 Cont Spar Welter 14 to 17 F 126 to 135
CS-41 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 14 to 17 F 136 to 145
CS-42 Cont Spar Heavy 14 to 17 F 146 to 155
CS-43 Cont Spar Crusier 14 to 17 F 156 to 165
CS-44 Cont Spar Sur Hvy 14 to 17 F 165 plu
WOMEN Weight Classes for "Adults".
"18+ years"
CCSW-01 Cont Spar Light 18 Plus F 135 minus
CSW-02 Cont Spar Middle 18 Plus F 135 to 150
CSW-03 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 18 Plus F 151 plu
WOMEN Weight Classes for "Masters"
"35+ years"
CSWM-01 Cont Spar Light 35 Plus F 135 minus
CSWM-02 Cont Spar Middle 35 Plus F 135 to 150
CSWM-03 Cont Spar Lt Hvy 35 Plus F 151 plu
MEN Weight Classes for "Adults”.
“18 + years"
CSM-01 Cont Spar Light 18 Plus M 175 & UNDER
CSM-02 Cont Spar Middle 18 Plus M 175 TO 190
CSM-03 Cont Spar Heavy 18 Plus M 190 PLUS
MEN Weight Classes for "Masters".
"35+ years"
CSMM-01 Cont Spar Light 35 Plus M 175 & UNDER
CSMM-02 Cont Spar Middle 35 Plus M 175 TO 190
CSMM-03 Cont Spar Heavy 35 Plus M 190 PLUS