World Karate League

Championship Rings for all FIRST

Title Belts for all 1st place Point Sparring

Welcome to WKL (WORLD KARATE LEAGUE) circuit for the World Championship! To qualify for the WKL World Finals, a competitor must place in their division at a sanctioned qualifier or regions.


To qualify for the WKL "World Finals", a competitor must be seeded from their division within their region. PLEASE NOTE: Players are not limit to a region, and can attend outside their region to get a better seed at World Finals.


At World Finals, there will be 3 tiers for every division. Player's winning 1st in the Regional World Qualifier, will be placed in the "Division Grand Finals". The 1st tier will be the non seeded (wild card) run-off, followed by the seeded players and then the Division Grand Final. Listed below are the 3 tiers used at WKL World Finals:

Tier 1 - Non seeded (wild card) run-off will compete first in the "Wild Card" bracketing to determined one winner. Winner of the "Wild Card" will then be placed in the "Division Run-Off".

Tier 2 - Division Run-Off composed of all seeded competitors except the #1 seed from each region. In the weapon, traditional and kata divisions, seeding will run in the order from the lowest to the highest point earner. A single elimination bracketing will be used for point sparring, continuous sparring, sport mma, grappling and stick combat, with standard seeding rules apply i.e., highest rated against lowest rated, second highest vs second lowest, etc. The winner of the run-off will then compete in the "Division Grand Final"


Tier 3 - Division Grand Final - all #1 seed from each region will be placed in random order in weapon, traditional and kata divisions. A single elimination bracketing will be used for point sparring, continuous sparring, sport mma, grappling and stick combat to determined 1st, 2nd and 3rd place World Champion!